Monday, November 19, 2007

If Buyout Firms Are So Smart, Why Are They So Wrong?

ENOUGH already.

Private equity firms have recently been reneging on their billion-dollar buyouts as if the deals came with a 30-day money-back guarantee. They don’t. But that hasn’t stopped the biggest firms from trying to bully — yes, let’s finally call it what it is — their way out of deals.

For the last few months, private equity firms have repeatedly broken their word when breaking a deal, trying to place blame on big, bad investment banks that they said were holding them hostage by threatening to withdraw financing.

It was an easy narrative to follow, but it obscured the truth: Private equity firms, widely hailed as the “smart money,” made some lousy deals in the second half of this year, and some are now having a bad case of buyer’s remorse. They have been more than happy to break the deals and let the banks be the fall guys. Read More.

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