Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Most Indian M&A deals are bite-sized: Tarun Khanna

June 27 - - Tarun Khanna, Jorge Paulo Lemann professor of strategy at Harvard Business School, discusses the globalization efforts of Indian companies.

Jorge Paulo Lemann professor of strategy at Harvard Business School, Tarun Khanna, says some Indian firms are born ‘global’ and that their global acquisitions will gain further momentum. Khanna was in Mumbai for the launch of Going Global Initiative, an effort by industry lobby Confederation of Indian Industry to launch a support group and knowledge bank for Indian companies seeking a global presence. Khanna, who has written extensively on the rise of India and China, is creating an index of globalization that companies can use to benchmark themselves. In an interview with Mint, Khanna discussed the globalization efforts of Indian companies. Read Q&A.

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