Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Power sector M&A reached new record in 2007 - PwC

February 5 - CNN Money - The value of worldwide mergers and acquisitions in the power sector increased by 25 pct year on year to 372.5 bln usd, said PricewaterhouseCoopers in its Power Deals annual review.

PwC said there was no indication that the credit crunch which hit the market this summer had a negative impact on M&A in power generating assets with 57 pct of the power sector deals announced in 2007 occurring in the second half of the year (441 of 768 deals).

Moreover, the number of M&A transactions in the power sector was up 73 pct in fourth-quarter 2007 compared to the same period in 2006, while the total value of deals was 21 pct higher. Read More.

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